Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gardening time!

IMGP6050, originally uploaded by Sweetland Retreat.

It's fiddlehead season! The former owner of the house came over and taught us how to pick fiddleheads and where to find them on our property-- and boy are they plentiful! This photo is from our first day's picking-- and there were some more to come!

We also started a vegetable garden. This section is the spiral herb garden-- a Joy's brainchild and my sculpting skills :) We've used pottery shards that we got from our friend Jennifer and some bricks and miscellaneous items from the garage to form it.

While were planting, Joy decided to have some fun and try a headstand...it didn't really work out!!


Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Yummy! My favorite recipes to use fiddleheads in are "Fiddlehead Quiche" & "Cream of Fiddlehead Soup"

~Jes Berry

Joy Luciano said...

yum Jes! That sounds delightful! We have more fiddleheads that we can manage! We picked about 7-8 pounds that one day!